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Nicole Devaney  holistic health coaching

Planting a Seed 

People often undergo change either because of discomfort or pain in their current situation, prompting a need for improvement, or due to a strong desire for positive growth and advancement in their lives.

"Sometimes we have to get covered with compost to reach for the light!"

This Package is designed for you if
  • You are motivated to do the work and need someone to give you a road map to follow.


  • You've tried to take charge of your health but are not getting the desired results. 


  • You're ready to have your health assessed by a trained professional implementing a scientific, natural and intuitive approach. 


  • You're looking to experience working with Nicole before stepping into a full package commitment. 

Your Seed Session includes detailed questionnaires that provide beautiful easy-to-read color reports 

A Four doctors Assessment:

Dr. Happy, Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Movement are necessary for everyone with a body. When any of these doctors are out of alignment, we can experience anxiety, depression and lack of vision. When out of balance for too long, pain and disease are sure to ensue.

Holistic Lifestyle Assessment:

Health is beyond just movement and exercise. This assessment will give us an idea of the stressors you are facing and if detoxification is needed to clear the blocks to your dreams. Clean body allows for clear vision.

Organ & Gland Assessment:

One thing you may find when looking up symptoms on Dr. Google is that you make two steps forward and one back. There is a hierarchy of healing and you must start with the organs that need to heal first in order to see results in others. This assessment takes the guesswork out of your journey so you will know exactly where to focus your efforts.

Primal Pattern Diet:

With over 10,000 experts and diet books available,  knowing what is right for you can be a guessing game. This assessment will help you know what foods give you the most energy and best mood. The closer we eat to our ancestors' dietary patterns, the more our bodies thrive. This being said, the world is a vast place and depending on your lineage, where your ancestors were living on the earth can change what macros (fats, proteins, carbs) are right for you.

The Plant a Seed Package also includes a two-hour session to thoroughly review your case reports from your assessments.

"Wellness is an emotional, physical and spiritual experience. When working with a true holistic guide, all three areas must be addressed for a complete healing as well as serve as a catalyst in the creation of your dream life!"

Two-Hour Consultation to Review your Reports and Create a Plan of Action

During our time together we will go through your reports.

Your zoom session will be recorded.


You will gain clarity and understanding of what you need and how to pair it with your time, energy and ability to proceed.


Consider the Seed Session a map that will serve as a guide in a self-supported journey. 

This is an Opportunity to Map out a
Personalized Healing Journey

  • You will receive deep insight into the hierarchy of healing and know what steps need to be taken and when.

  • We will dive into not only your goals but the roadblocks of beliefs and habits that prevent you from getting results.

  • Before our time is complete you will have a step-by-step plan that takes the guesswork out of healing and feeling your BEST!

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The Beauty of Planting a Seed Session

  • Once you have your plan, you can choose to embark on self-guided journey with the steps we have put in place together.

  • Those who desire more support and accountability with what we discover will receive a discount for continued work with Nicole.

  • Investing in a plan of action is a great way to create motivation.

  • An overview of your personal history, symptoms and previous efforts will allow you to see the path of your healing journey clearly and the steps that may have been missed.

Want to about more ways to work with Nicole? 

Check out these Holistic Lifestyle Coaching or Corrective Exercise Packages 

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"Nicole and I worked together on finding my voice and stepping into my power.

It's an ongoing journey but you helped springboard me into tuning in with my true self by providing me with a loving environment and tools to succeed.

It was hard at times and I'm still growing in that upward spiral!"

~Rachel M. San Jose, CA 

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